Frequently Asked Questions
A $25 minimum deposit is required when making deposits online with a credit card. You can make deposits in the 1Card office or at the VTS machines around campus with a lesser amount.
We accept Mastercard, Visa, and Discover. If you are certain that you have an Active Directory account and are still experiencing log in issues please try syncing your BlazeVIEW and Active Directory passwords : https://iforgot.valdosta.eduFor additional troublshooting tips visit: Lost/Stolen CardsIf your 1Card is lost or stolen, you as the cardholder are responsible for suspending the card. Suspending a 1Card can be done by accessing the Deactivate Card link or in person at our office. Once a card is suspended it can no longer be used. To get a replacement card you must present 2 forms of ID, one of which must be a government issued ID, and pay a replacement charge of $20.00. If a card is replaced, the issue code will increase.
1Card Issue Code The ID number itself is only 9 digits in length, the first 9 on your card. The 10th and 11th digits are the issue code. If at any time you are required to enter your ID number, be sure you DO NOT enter the issue code, as it is not a part of your ID number.
1Card Access Fee A $10.00 access card fee will be assessed each semester with tuition. This fee, is required for the continuous maintenance and upkeep of the card system software and hardware. Please note that this fee does not ensure each student a new card each semester.
Receiving your 1Card/ID 1. Must be registered for classes
2. Bring 2 forms of ID - one of which must be: a driver's license or a military ID, or a passport.
1Card Vending FLEX funds may be used on drink, snack, and laundry equipment, throughout campus. Daily limits are in place to prevent misuse of FLEX funds at un-attended card readers. The account balances reflected at laundry and vending machines are not your total FLEX account balance.
1Card VTS (Value Transfer Stations) The VTS machines are located in Hopper Hall, Langdale Hall, and the Student Union. At the VTS, you will be able to deposit cash into your FLEX Account and check your account balance. The VTS machines accept $1.00, $5.00, $10.00, and $20.00 bills only.